Task 10
Now that you have completed your research you are going to create a presentation which will be suitable for your fellow students.
You must assume that they have very little knowledge about your topic.
Start your presentation off by explaining what the topic is about. Remember that you must keep this factual – do not let your opinions or bias come into this section.
Once you have explained the topic you can present your original hypothesis.
You then need to present the evidence that you found from your surveys. Include a selection of graphs.
Include some captions or explanations which tell the audience what you have deduced from these graphs.
You can include some statements that you collected from people whilst they were completing the questionnaire – these can really help to back up the points that you are making.
Include the graphs that you created from the data you collected from the Internet.
Make sure that you provide clear explanations about the trends that the graphs are showing. Explain why you think these trends have happened.
Tell your audience what your predictions for the future are based upon what you have found out.
Finish off your presentation by going back to your hypothesis and saying whether it was right or wrong.
Explain whether your research during this project has confirmed your beliefs or made you change your mind. Give your reasons for this.
Include hyperlinks to relevant documents and websites. Also consider having an index page with hyperlinks to important sections in your presentation and links back.
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