4. Microprocessors in everyday life
Here are some examples of devices in everyday life which contain microprocessors:
- Mobile phones
- Digital cameras
- Traffic light systems
- Car park barriers
- Cars
- Aircraft
- Lifts
- Rides at theme parks
- Computer controlled lighting systems at discos and concerts
- Remote controlled car
- Games console
Device |
Role of Microprocessor |
Traffic light system | Controls sequence of lights from green to amber to red. Interprets data from sensors to recognise when a car has approached the traffic light. Changes opposite set of lights to stop traffic and allow cars from the other direction through. |
Car | Cars contain a huge number of microprocessors whcih control a large number of systems such as:
Lifts | Controls the opening and closing of the door Reads data from door sensors to ensure that door doesn't close when someone is entering or exiting Interprets and processes data from which button is pressed re: floor to travel to Sends signal to software and motors to ensure lift travels to correct floor |
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