Webquest - An impending disaster

There have been a lot of movies released recently by Hollywood which focus on disasters striking the earth.

  • The day after tomorrow
  • Independence Day
  • Deep Impact
  • Armageddon

Your task:

Use the Internet to help you answer the following questions:

Has the Earth ever been hit by an asteroid?

What effect did it have on the Earth?

When is an asteroid next predicted to hit the Earth?

Find a picture of Haley's comet

How did Haley's comet get its name?

How many years does it take for Haley's comet to come by the Earth? and when is it next due to pass?

What is Roswell famous for?

What year was the Roswell incident supposed to have happened in?

What is 'global warming'?

What are the predictions that are being made about global warming?

What year was 'Independence Day' released?

Who were the leading actors in 'The day after tomorrow'?

Devise five webquest questions of your own and find the answers