1. File types
Commercial file formats
As you become familiar with various software applications you will begin to recognise common file formats.
For instance:
- .DOC : Word file
- .XLS : Excel spreadsheet file
- .PDF: Adobe file
- .PPT : PowerPoint file
- .MOV : Quicktime movie file
- .PSD : Photoshop file
- .SWF: Flash Player file
- .WMV : Windows Media Player file
- .DOCX : Newer Word file type
These formats have been created by commercial companies to support their particular application.
Public file formats
- .TXT
- .CSV
- .XML
There are file formats that do not belong to anyone in particular. For instance a .txt file can store very basic unformatted text data. It is very handy to transfer simple text from one application to another as all text processing applications can read a .txt file.
Another very common file format is the 'csv' file format, short for Comma Separated Values' where each chunk of data is separated by a comma or other 'delimiter'. This is widely used to import / export spreadsheet data
And for holding ordered information the XLS format is very popular.
Challenge see if you can find out one extra fact on this topic that we haven't already told you
Click on this link: File Extensions