7. Digital Divide

There are people in this country who cannot afford to buy and run a computer. This means that not only they but also their families begin to fall behind others who regularly use computers in terms of IT skills.

When they want to apply for a job they might find it harder to compete with others who are familiar with computers and software applications. Their children could be disadvantaged because a lot of homework and projects now require research using the Internet.

The digital divide is also apparent between countries. A lot of people in the UK, Europe, the U.S. are confident users of technology. Whereas people who live in rural parts of say Africa might never have seen a computer. Even if they could afford to buy one, they might not have the electricity to run one or the training in how to use one.

Another issue is that the majority of resources on the Internet are written in the English language. This makes them inaccessible to people who are unable to read or write in English.

This again makes it hard for them to compete on the International job market.


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