Fitness for purpose: Tasks

Starters / Plenaries

Consider all reasons

Students are given an open ended statement related to the topic.  In pairs, they identify as many reasons as possible in order to provide an answer to the statement

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30 Seconds

Students are shown a number of terms for exactly 30 seconds. They need to memorise as many as possible. After 30 seconds, the terms are hidden and they need to write down as many terms as they can remember along with at least one fact about that term.

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10 Questions

A volunteer (either a student or class teacher) is given a slip of paper so they know 'what they are'.

The rest of the class can ask up to a maximum of 10 questions to guess what they are. The volunteer can only answer 'yes' or 'no'

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What's your opinion?

Students are given a statement about this topic and asked to discuss their opinion in pairs. At the end of the lesson they can reassess whether their original opinion has changed

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Draw me a picture

Students are given a selection of key terms and are asked to illustrate one of them in a diagram.

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Word Association

A starter or plenary task.

Students are asked to write down all of the words they associate with this topic. They then work with a partner to categorise them.

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Teacher Talkabout

Starter or plenary task

The class 'test' the teacher on their knowledge of key words related to this topic

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Pass the Buck

An excellent starter or plenary for involving all students and getting them to identify a large number of facts about the current topic

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One, Two, Three

Can be used either as a starter or a plenary task.

Students are given a sheet to complete firstly on their own, then with a partner and then joining up with another pair

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Lucky Dip Questions

Starter or plenary task

Every student is given a number at the start of the activity. This is used to help pick who will ask and answer questions about what has been learned during the lesson.

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Just a minute

Starter or plenary task

Students are asked to talk to a partner about this topic for 60 seconds whilst abiding by a set of rules

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Give me ten

A starter or plenary task

Students work in pairs to come up with ten words related to this project before joining up with another pair to expand their list.

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A plenary activity where students are asked to summarise the lesson and pick out the main key words related to the topic.

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A great plenary idea both for AFL and for getting feedback from every student

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I predict

This task acts as the plenary from one lesson and the starter for the next lesson

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Lesson Summary

This plenary provides students with an opportunity to evaluate the lesson and their learning and an AFL opportunity for the teacher.

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A plenary activity which is loosely based on the game show 'Mastermind'

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New Words

A plenary task

Students have to identify three new words/terms that they learned during this lesson and then explain their meaning

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A plenary activity.

Students are asked to complete a self assessment sheet to indicate what they have learned during this lesson

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Text Me

A plenary task

A plenary activity where students are asked to write a text message to explain what they have learned during the lesson

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Lesson tasks and homework

100 words

Students have exactly 100 words to summarise the key points about this topic

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Construct an answer

Students are given an exam style question to answer. They are also given a set of key words to incorporate into their answer.

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Identify the question

Students are given the answer to a number of questions.  Their task is to identify what the original question might have been.

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Students are given a set of terms related to this topic. They are asked to prioritise them in order of importance.

NOTE: there is no one correct answer. The aim is to encourage higher order thinking skills and to get students to think about and justify their decisions with a partner.

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Six angles

Students work in teams to consider the solution to problem or scenario from six different angles

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