7. Features of different feedback methods

Text feedback

Very flexible as the feedback can be any message Has to be in a language that the user understands.
The message can stay on screen until the user cancels it Poorly worded feedback can be confusing
  There has to be some visual device available to view the text i.e. screen

Graphical feedback

Very compact. Many icons can be used in a small space Usually needs a pointing device such as mouse to select although keystroke may be allowed as well
Easy to use No good if the user needs additional information
Icon has to have some meaning to the user. For instance most people understand that pressing the print icon will lead to a printer being used. Obscure icons are less useful  

Sound feedback

Very good for alerting people who are busy doing something else. e.g. typing a letter and the disk becomes full or an email arrives Has to have a sound system available
Can impart complex information if speech is used. Can only provide instant information - person will not be aware of it if they are away from the computer
No visual device is needed i.e. screen, so good for telephone systems No good in noisy environments where the sound cannot be heard