Checkpoint 4:
Is the site relevant to me?
A good web site will be useful to the people it is aimed at, i.e. YOU!
If a site does not fit your needs then it is of no use to you (although of course it may be useful for somebody else)
In order to decide whether a web site is going to be useful you need to establish what you want to know beforehand.
Before looking at a site try to think of five questions that you would really like to know the answers to.
Write these questions down on a piece of paper.
When you look at the site, see if it answers your questions. The more answers you can find, the better the site.
Remember, the aims of the site should give you an indication whether you will find the information you are looking for.
If the aims are not clear, look at the titles or section headings.
Do these tell you what each part is about?
Are you likely to find your answers here?
Here is an example web site for an environmental action group who clean up rivers and streams.
Here are examples of questions that someone might ask about the site:
1. How can I help?
2. How do I find out about things in my area?
3. How do I join the group?
4. How much does it cost?
5. How much of my time will it take up?
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