Checkpoint 2:
Are the aims of the site clear?
A good web site will tell you who it is for, what it is about and what it is trying to do. These are the site's aims.
This will help you to decide whether it is worth looking at the rest of the site.
Web sites are created for lots of different reasons. For example:
- To provide you with information about something
- To educate you
- To give you links to other places
- To put you in touch with other people
- To sell you something
- Or to entertain you
How do I know if a web site's aims are OK?
Some sites are obviously set up as a joke.
You wouldn't believe this one would you?
But other sites, particularly those about health and social issues may also be telling you something that is not quite right, although it may be harder to see.
How can I find the web site's aims?
Not all web sites have a clear statement telling you about their aims. You may need to look for other clues.
If there is a menu, do the titles of different sections tell you what the site is about?
Does the site look like it is aimed at children or adults?
Are the things it is saying easy to understand or does it sound like it has been written for people who already know lots about the subject?
Look at this sample web page and decide what its aims are:
Although it does not say "the aims of this site are ...." it does give you some idea as to who the site is aimed at and what the site is for.
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