Combine and present information:
Design features of leafletsStudents are asked to identify the different design features generally used when creating leaflets (subscription only) |
Write a set of design rulesStudents are given a mind map containing many prompts and things to consider when designing a good leaflet. They are asked to use this information to help them come up with a set of design rules for leaflets. (subscription only) |
Design a leaflet for The Pooch ParlourStudents are given a task to produce a leaflet for The Pooch Parlour. The task is written in a similar style to a typical Functional Skills exam question. A mark sheet is provided to help students to see how marks might be allocated in the exam. Accompanying files for the task are provided. (subscription only) |
Design a leaflet for The Uppington Hill Wind Farm CampaignStudents are given a task to produce a leaflet for The Uppington Hill Wind Farm Campaign. The task is written in a similar style to a typical Functional Skills exam question. A mark sheet is provided to help students to see how marks might be allocated in the exam. Accompanying files for the task are provided. (subscription only) |
Design a leaflet about plagiarismStudents are given a task to produce a leaflet about plagiarism. (subscription only) |
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