File and Folder Management

Task 1: Software Icons

Students are given a number of software icons and asked to identify the related software application

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Task 2: Identifying File Information

Students are given an image of a directory which contains a number of files. They are asked to identify as much information as possible from what they can see.

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Task 3: Directories and folders

Students are given a number of images showing drives, directories and folders. They are asked to write down as much information as they can identify from the images.

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Task 4: File extensions

Students are given a table containing a large number of different file extensions. They are asked to identify the application associated with the file extension or the file type.

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Task 5: Which folders?

Students are given a table with a number of folders displayed. They are then given a list of many different files. They should choose the correct folder into which the file should be stored.

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Task 6: Dire Desktop Task

Students are shown an image of a pretty messy desktop and asked to write down their observations and suggestions for improvment

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Task 7: Create shorcuts to files and folders

Students are given step-by-step instructions about how to create a desktop shortcut, a shortcut in another folder and a shortcut to a complete folder.

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Task 8: Setting up folders

Students are given a diagram which shows a hierarchy of folders. They then have to create the exact same hierarchy in their own user area

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Task 9: File path names

Students are given a diagram which shows a hierarchy of folders. They are given an example of how a file path is written and a set of rules to follow. They are then asked to write down the file paths for a set of given items.

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Task 10: Sorting Files

Students are shown how to sort files within a folder using Windows Explorer.

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Task 11: File properties

Students are given instructions as to how to access the 'file properties' of a particular file. They are then asked a series of questions which help them to identify the different types of information available in this section.

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Task 12: Sensible file names

Students work through a number of tasks in order to ensure their understanding of the importance of using sensible file names for all of their work.

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Task 13: Compressing files and folders

Students are given information about why file compression is useful. They are then set a series of tasks to compress different file types and compare the results.

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File management and standard ways of working

This three page workbook looks at how to manage files and standard ways of working

Shared by Chris Coleman

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Task 13: Saving documents

Clear, step-by-step instructions for students to follow in order to learn and pratice the following skills:

  • using the save button
  • using the keyboard shortcut
  • using the Office button
  • using Save As
  • changing the file format to an earlier version of Word
  • saving as a text file
  • saving as a rich text format file
  • saving as a template

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task sheet (2007)

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Norwich Market text




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